Remote Hiring Processes: 2021 Trends

Kathy Monroy
March 15, 2021

A vast number of processes like remote hiring have entirely changed due to COVID-19 in every industry. Companies have had to adjust their workflows and adapt to the new normality.  Even though the pandemic is coming to a slow end for some, it has left many businesses with a reduced workforce, more agile processes, and the addition of technology to enhance daily activities. 

Predicting what will happen in 2021 is not an easy task. Still, considering what happened in 2020, it's clear that implementing new workflows will stay within business cycles for a long time since many of these changes have positively benefitted their overall performance.  

One of the most important aspects of any business is its people. Finding and hiring the right employees is crucial. Nowadays, it requires a more refined skillset that will allow recruiters and HR Departments to recognize potential during virtual interview processes and, afterward, fully integrate new hires into a company.   


There is one significant aspect to consider when talking about remote hiring processes, is that remote hiring is a trend by itself; it has turned into one of the most efficient ways to reduce costs, increase revenue, and drive performance. Due to the pandemic, the remote hiring process has expanded into industries that generally did not consider hiring remote workers, and now it has become the norm.  In light of the recent shift, companies are considering new ways to search for the right talent.  

Remote Hiring Trends 

These are some of the most significant trends for remote hiring for 2021:

  1. Incorporation of technology

As many employees had to start working from home to avoid health risks, companies had to shift typical ways of work towards the virtual world. Many were not ready for this change but had to quickly implement software and any necessary equipment to continue work as usual. 

Now that companies have had time to adapt, for many, some combination of remote and in-person work will be necessary not only due to COVID, but also to keep up with the competition.  It's not just about software and AI, it's about the day-to-day activities like video calls, eliminating hard-copy documents, using digital signatures, virtual gatherings, and email. 

What does this mean for the recruitment teams and HR Departments?  

For recruiters, it means finding ways to promote and highlight teleworking or home office to their candidates, making this a familiar concept from the beginning of the process, allowing them to understand how things are going to work in their new job and creating a trusting relationship.  How does the employer differentiate and lead their virtual workforce?

Having open and transparent communication with prospects will benefit the entire process. It will allow employers to engage with their future employees, manage expectations, and identify their personality's key traits to make the most out of for better performance.

On the other hand, for HR professionals, onboarding in a virtual space is very different from an in-person training session, which means changing processes that have existed for many years.  Implementing additional methods during the onboarding process will create better relationships with new hires and allow them to feel comfortable in their new environment. 

What are some of these new methods for onboarding processes?

  • Over-communicate. 
  • Give your team the necessary equipment to start their process faster, even before their starting date!
  • Prolong the onboarding process. It helps digest the information better.
  • Assign someone from your team to mentor the new hire. 
  • Ask for feedback. 

  2. Diversity and inclusion

As virtuality becomes the norm, recruitment processes are starting to evolve to allow for the availability of global talent. This means that companies can search for employees without boundaries.  Since work is now virtual, a company can find the best fit for the job regardless of location, leading to a truly global workforce option for all.  

Therefore, companies are now more diverse, staffed with employees from around the world from different cultures and religious backgrounds. 

Even though this is a fantastic advancement, it also brings up inclusion and respect, which entails proper training and new methods to interact respectfully with candidates from around the globe. 

  3. Tailored recruitment for young generations

Recruitment strategies must adapt to the new generations. Millennials are now a working generation, and Gen Z is growing up quickly, which means new ways to engage. 

New platforms, social media, and a digital presence are a must for these generations that rely upon their smartphones and computers. Traditional recruitment methods are evolving, and recent trends are taking force, primarily through social media.   

Recruitment and HR teams must use this to their advantage and create unique ad campaigns that engage with their audience and attract suitable candidates. Simplicity is vital for these new generations that need their information fast and at the click of a button.  

“By using social media to build relationships with potential candidates, employers will better be able to create a proactive approach to recruiting. Build relationships before there is an opening!  When recruiting teams use LinkedIn, Facebook, and other outlets to interact with others online and create engaging content, they will expand the employer’s brand and build a positive image of the recruiting process”, expressed Mike Orlowski, Lean Solutions Group’s Recruitment Division Director      

  4. Managing E-Presenteeism

It is no secret that sometimes working from home can have its downside. Many companies forecasted a loss of productivity from their employees in the early stages of the pandemic.   In many cases, and especially at the beginning of the crisis, this was the case. Over time, employees and companies have developed strategies and worked together to achieve much success.

The generalized conception of remote work has led many to think that they had to work harder and longer. Virtuality became a synonym for always being available. Having to check emails, text messages, PM software, and attend to phone calls at any time became standard even after regular work hours. 

man talking on the phone

By combining home-life with work-life, the barrier between professional duties and personal has been blurred. Instead of leaving the office and giving themselves a break at the end of their workday, they were always at home and didn't have that physical task (leaving the office) to focus on family or resting time. 

Managing overworked employees must be top-of-mind for company leaders since it may cause burnout and mental health issues. 

HR Departments responding to this phenomenon must incorporate activities and follow-ups with their team members that will allow them to understand what they are going through, create better relationships, and give them a sense of caring. 

  5. Flexible work schedules

Working from home allows employees to manage their time differently from working at the office. Continuous work is not the case for many, especially when there are children involved and other home responsibilities. Company leaders have had to understand that work schedules and dynamics have shifted to accommodate to the employee's daily life. 

man working from home

Even though schedules have changed, deliverables are still part of any employee's typical workday or week. This means that, although continuous 8-hour workdays are not required, employees must manage their time and meet the designated due dates. 

This year, more employees will continue to ask for and expect flexible schedules that adapt to their personal life, allowing them to perform to their fullest potential. 

  6. Human-centric companies

Another aspect that has slowly changed within companies is viewing the employee as a person and not as a machine that just produces. Creating strong connections with employees will become a crucial part of the entire recruiting and hiring process. 

Thinking about employee's well-being, safety, and health will allow your business to thrive and help them perform at the best of their capabilities by creating excellent work relationships and trust. 

Understanding what they are feeling and how you can help by being empathetic allows you to improve your workflow and create better processes that align with your employees' necessities. Viewing your staff as people that feel it is necessary to understand how they have been and can continue to be affected by any adversity.  

2021 is a transitional year that will allow companies to continue implementing new strategies and methods to enhance their workforce and obtain fantastic results while still reducing costs. 

For many companies, this will be the year where everything will be automated, and their digital presence becomes more robust, allowing them to improve their processes without having to invest in physical offices and everything that entails. 

With the increase of the remote work and virtual spaces, the recruitment and hiring process must shift and adapt to their candidates' lifestyles and new workflows. A more human approach to the entire process allows stronger relationships to flourish and boost employee performance.  


Kathy Monroy is an experienced Communications Specialist and Journalist. Driven to go above and beyond, Kathy produces high-quality content specializing in transportation and logistics, marketing, sales, and technology. Her goals include becoming an expert and an authority in her line of work, always providing her audience with the most relevant and useful information.

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