Mariaclara Ramirez
January 11, 2022


Companies seeking a strategic approach to talent acquisition can benefit from Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). In this collaborative partnership, an external service provider with specialized expertise takes ownership of the entire recruitment lifecycle. This frees up internal resources by offloading the burden of sourcing, evaluating, and onboarding new talent. 

But RPO solutions go beyond transactional recruitment. It fosters long-term, collaborative relationships built on mutual understanding and shared goals. RPO providers take the time to understand the unique culture, values, and talent needs of their clients. This ensures that every introduced candidate aligns not just with the specific job requirements, but also with the company's broader strategic objectives.

By partnering with a trusted RPO provider, such as Lean Marketing, companies can access global recruitment expertise and RPO models tailored to their recruitment needs. 


Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) offers several advantages for organizations seeking to streamline their recruitment process. Here's a list of some of the key benefits: 

  • Increased Efficiency: Recruitment outsourcing solutions leverage automation and proven methodologies to efficiently source, screen, and onboard candidates, significantly reducing the time it takes to fill open positions. Their economies of scale and focus on recruitment optimization can lead to lower overall recruitment costs.
  • Improved Quality of Hire: RPOs have access to a vast talent market and utilize targeted sourcing strategies to attract a more diverse pool of qualified talent. They employ rigorous assessments, including behavioral interviewing and background checks, to ensure a strong fit for your company culture and role requirements.
  • Enhanced employer branding: RPO providers can help you develop and implement a strong employer branding strategy to attract top talent.
    Reduced Workload on Internal HR: By outsourcing routine recruitment tasks, your internal HR team can dedicate their time and expertise to more strategic initiatives focused on employee engagement and development.
  • Flexible Solutions: RPO providers can tailor their services to meet your specific hiring needs, whether you require a full-service solution or assistance with specific recruitment stages. They can seamlessly scale their resources up or down to accommodate seasonal spikes or project-based hiring needs.
  • Improved compliance: Professional RPO services can help you ensure that your talent acquisition process is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.


  • Targeted Talent Acquisition: Recruitment process outsourcing providers go beyond simply posting jobs. They leverage their expertise and extensive candidate networks to source qualified individuals for your specific needs. This might involve using niche job boards, professional associations, and targeted social media advertising.
  • Efficient Screening and Qualification: RPOs streamline the initial stages of recruitment by screening resumes, conducting preliminary interviews, and assessing candidate skills and experience. This frees up your internal team to focus on high-value tasks like final interviews and decision-making.
  • Data-Driven Candidate Selection: RPOs use data and analytics to present shortlisted candidates who are the best fit for your job requirements and company culture. This may involve in-depth interviews, skills assessments aligned with the role, and thorough reference checks.
  • Streamlined Offer & Onboarding: RPOs can manage salary negotiations and onboarding processes to ensure a smooth transition for new hires. This can improve your employer's brand and increase new hire retention.

Lean Marketing, a division of Lean Solutions Group, specializes in finding the right marketing experts for their client’s needs. Based upon those needs, Lean Marketing searches for the right candidate to take their marketing efforts to the highest levels.  


Even though hiring processes can be tedious, with Lean Marketing, it is incredibly straightforward. The recruiting and hiring process is fast and smooth for both parties, which allows Lean Marketing to create a great customer experience, building trust and reliability in the relationship with our clients.  


  1. Send updated CV in English to the Lean Marketing team

The first step is for all candidates interested in the position to apply by sending in their resume for the marketing recruitment team to review.  

  1. Initial interview.

After the resume is sent, there's a first meeting to discuss the position and Lean Marketing expectations.  

  1. Aptitude and skill tests

After the initial interview, the candidate undergoes aptitude and skill tests where the Marketing team can review their English level and capabilities.  

  1. Interview with psychologist

After the aptitude tests, there’s an interview with a psychologist to talk about the candidate, their experience, and expectations. This interview is very open, and the psychologist reassures the candidate that this is just a space to get to know them.  

  1. Interview with Human Resources

A few days after, there’s an interview with the HR team, where they ask simple questions and explain how the entire hiring process is structured. Here’s where they explain the dynamic with the U.S.-based company, benefits, and other important information. In this stage, the Lean Marketing team reaches out again to see how the candidate is feeling about the entire process.  

  1. Interview with client

The final interview is with the U.S.-based company, where the candidates get to know the future employer and discuss the day-to-day job responsibilities.  

  1. Medical exams

The last step is taking the medical exams. These are easy and just confirmation that the candidate is suitable for the position and the work environment.

  1. Selection call

In the selection process, the company selects the candidate, and an email is sent to them as confirmation. The Lean Marketing team also calls the employees to let them know they have been selected.  


The hiring process takes about two weeks, and then the onboarding process begins. It starts with an orientation meeting with Lean Marketing where the candidate learns more about the company, how it operates, their responsibilities, the points of contact in the event of any questions, permits, and other essential information.  

The second day is an induction with the U.S.-based company where they again introduce themselves, present the team, discuss expectations, and welcome the candidate to their new position.

“Today I can say that I start my day motivated and end it the same way, allowing me to think that working for a foreign company through Lean Marketing's management has an outcome with remarkable results for all the parties involved. My experience has been incredibly enriching, and it has helped me grow and enhance my skill set.” - Maria Clara, translator staffed by Lean Marketing

The entire process is very straightforward and efficient. Companies that opt for recruitment process outsourcing obtain incredible results as they are able to access talented and vetted professionals in their required field of knowledge without having to take care of the entire recruitment process.


Maria Clara is a translator with an emphasis on the freight market. She has journalism, humanities, and digital marketing background. Maria Clara is passionate about content creation, photography, traveling, cultures, and learning fun facts.

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